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4.4 ( 1504 ratings )
Développeur Saman Ali

This is the most Comprehensive English-Kurdish dictionary.

In each entry, different meanings are numbered and similar meanings within the same number are separated by a semi-colon. The comma separates items in a series.
The colon indicates an elaboration on a meaning in Kurdish.
Parentheses ( ) indicate: (a) specific applications of a word or the context in which it usually appears, (b) elaboration on a meaning, or (c) examples in English.
Square brackets [ ] indicate the level of usage in English (e.g., colloquial, slang, archaic, etc.)
Idiomatic expressions and phrases are indented and alphabetized under the main entries.
The order of meanings of the entries is based on historical evolution rather than frequency of usage, following the method of Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language.
In the phonetic transcription of the main entries, a primary stress is indicated by this bold symbol (‘) following the syllable which receives the stress [geography (je-og’ra-fi); freedom (fre’dam)]. A secondary stress is indicated by a plain symbol as in the first syllable of the following entry: [independence (in’di-pen’dans)].